A Concise Guide: Experiential Yoga Philosophy

A Concise Guide: Experiential Yoga Philosophy

The vast ancient literature of the Vedas is a continuing study of the nature of life through the ages, inherently evolving to encompass one’s own experience of being. As Yoga is known as the ‘Science of Man’ the art of living harmoniously lies within the cycles of oneself, nature, and ultimately the infinite universe.

“Filomena reveals a great wisdom and insight into yoga philosophy and delivers it in a precise and meaningful way. Her book honors the authentic teachings and reflects a deep understanding of the inner meaning of yoga. This is a ‘must have guide’ for all aspiring yogis.” Natalie Purcell, (B.Nat, I-ACT), Byron Bay Detox Retreats.

“This is a must read for any seeker of knowledge. It gave me goosebumps when I thought of how amazing this book would be for a yoga teacher training.“ Tara Fitzgibbon, Yoga Teacher

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